Otter the Dachshundでは犬連れで利用できる関東近辺の店舗・お宿など、ブログに掲載をご希望される店舗様や企業様、わんこ/わんこオーナーのグッズを募集しております。一緒に“わんこと気軽にお出かけ”をコンセプトに、犬連れ旅行やお出かけを楽しむアイデアを発信していきませんか?
[ENG]At Otter the Dachshund, we are looking for dog-friendly cafes, restaurants, and hotels in the Kanto area, as well as products for dogs and dog owners, that wish to be featured on our blog. Would you like to join us in sharing ideas for enjoying trips and outings with dogs under the concept of ‘casually going out with dogs’?
Please feel free to contact us using the form below.
[普通话/國語]在Otter the Dachshund,我們正在尋找關東地區適合帶狗的商店和住宿,以及希望在我們的博客上被介紹的商家和公司,還有狗狗/狗主人的商品。您是否願意加入我們,共同分享與狗狗一起輕鬆出門的樂趣?